Spring 2025: Volume 72, Number 1


Rare & Precious Antiques by Sarah Kokernot
The Women on the Night Shift by Frank X. Christmas
My Wife Is the Dead Wife by Nick Mandernach
Erin, the Local Version by Edmundo Paz Soldán, translated from the Spanish by Jenna Tang
Intimate Crimes; Fluffy, Flurby, or Flobo; Putting Off; Start at the Start; Leitmotif?; and Frogs Made Sense by Shane Kowalski
The Irritant by Mike Meginnis
Leaving Shandong by Olivia Cheng
English Major by Josh Russell
Crater by Tracy Hill
The Writers Room by Adam O’Fallon Price
The Hallway by Etgar Keret, translated from the Hebrew by Jessica Cohen
Commission Piece by Juan Martinez


The Spider’s Share by Steve Himmer
Turkentaube by Valer Popa
1993, 2017, and 2022 by Tom McAllister
Crisis Line by Olivia Fantini
Under Our Own Power by Denali DeGraf


Scheherazade by Selena Spier
Fortune & Favor by Emma Bolden
Ruby Red Trout by Jiawei, translated from the Chinese by Liang Yujing
Lily and the Bull by Sarah Davis
La Cegua Comes to Florida by Danilo Marin
Skywriting and I rattle myself into the mad light by Cristina Correa
Laika by Dana Koster
Firepit Embers Spark Wildfires by Richard Gallagher
Roche Limit by Elaine Liu
Diorama by Claire Wahmanholm
Fly to Venus Flytrap: A Love Letter by Hollie Dugas
Sky Excavation by Hai-Dang Phan
All of his knives, Lychee, and Sacrilegious by Sandra Dolores Gómez Amador
Righteous by D. T. Holt
The Dwelling Place of Metaphysical Beings and MANIFESTO! by Rebecca Morgan Frank
Me Three by Sophia Schlesinger
To Be Changed So Quickly by Mary Gilliland
Love Song for the Year of Dionysus by Lizzy Ke Polishan
Fishing by Patrick Kindig


This Is Us When We Dream, 2023, acrylic and ink on canvas, 20" x 20", by Keemo